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HAFB (Hollomon ...
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HAFB (Hollomon Airforce Base)
HAFB - AMXS Parts Storage
Construct a new 3,500 S.F. pre-engineered metal building with an 18’ eave height. A part of the building will be an exterior accessed 25 S.F. storage room. The wall and roofing panels shall be 24 gauge with R-30 insulation for the roof and R-19 for the walls. The building shall be built in an existing asphalt parking lot. The asphalt below the building will have to be removed and then patched at the end of the project to replace any excess asphalt removed during construction. There is an existing masonry wall and footing that will have to be demolished and then reinstalled up to the new metal building to match as close as possible. The building will sit on a 6” concrete slab complete with footings per code. Any exposed concrete shall have a skid resistance epoxy floor coating applied to it. The contractor shall install a fully electric, insulated overhead door on the east side of the building. The building including attached storage shall include two sets of hollow metal double doors and two hollow metal single doors complete with closers and basic hardware. The interior of the building shall have approximately 2- 17’x17’ offices complete with carpet, sheetrock (TBT), insulation, paint and acoustical ceilings. Each office shall have adequate heating/cooling, LAN, phone lines, lights, and electrical outlets. The entire building shall be heated and cooled completely with pad-mounted gas/electric package unit. The interior lighting shall consist of optimum lighting required and designed by the general and electrical contractor. The contractor shall install new gas service to the heating and cooling unit as well as a condensate drain. The electrical shall be completely new with a pad-mounted transformer. One eyewash/shower unit shall be install complete with new water line back to the main or closest tie in. There shall be approximately 42 feet of stainless steel countertops installed as shown on drawings. Under each countertop there shall be tool drawers designed and installed similar to the A.M.U. building. The entire building shall have a wet pipe fire suppression system complete with 4” underground piping. There will be two grounding points installed in the 6” slab by the electrical contractor. Furnish and install 1-8-bin storage rack in the middle of the building.
Sq Ft: 3,500
Completion Date: 02/18/2011
HAFB - Building 647 School Age Program Classroom Addition
The scope of this delivery order involves design and construction of a 40’ x 50’ addition to the Network Control Center Server Room in Building 202.
Selective demolition of the existing building was required to accommodate the new addition. This included removal of an exterior wall knock-out panel at the new entry location and removal of a tree.
A rib foundation (Type V concrete) with capillary water barrier and vapor barrier was installed. Existing grade beams were chamfered ½” on the exterior exposed corner to match the existing concrete beam.
The addition is constructed of light beige brick veneered exterior walls with a dark brown double soldier course to match the existing facility. Exterior walls provided an R-13 insulation value.
The new roof is a three-ply felt with granule-surfaced modified bitumen cap sheet built-up roofing membrane system with crickets providing an R-18 insulation value. Daylight downspouts were installed approximately 10’ from all foundation walls.
A new double 3’0”/7’0” solid glass door with a hollow metal frame, hardware, lever handle, sound stripping, threshold, closers and door stops was installed at the knock-out location connecting the addition to the existing building.
Interior sides of the new structure received metal studs faced with 5/8” painted gypsum board with 4” high cove base. Metal casing beads were installed on all wall corners.
Ceilings are 2’ x 2’ off-white suspended textured acoustical ceiling tiles with tegular edge and a suspended metal grid.
The raised access flooring system was installed at a height of 16” and was grounded for safety hazard and static control suppression.
HVAC work included relocation of two air handling units (AHUs) and installation of a new HVAC roof top unit.
Lighting included 2’x 4’ energy efficient fixtures with T8 electronic ballasts and minimal illumination of 50 foot-candles at 39” from the finished floor. Other lighting included emergency and exit lighting. Exterior lighting with photo sensors control was installed at the perimeter of the addition.
A new electrical panel was provided with 60 circuits and 52 dedicated 20 amp, 120VAC, 60-Hz duplex receptacle power outlets were provided for communication equipment, each on a separate branch circuit. Additional 120-VAC convenience outlets were installed at walls. Multiple-point grounding was provided for all communications and electronic equipment.
Additional motion sensors were installed in the addition and integrated to the existing Advantor panel.
Sq Ft: 2,000
Completion Date: 07/28/2009
HAFB - Building 302 Repair Restrooms and Building
Renovation to Building 302 at Holloman Air Force Base. The project included demolition, Mold abatement, batt insulation, drywall, painting, light guage framing, bathroom remodels, and ceramic tile.
Completion Date: 01/07/2011
HAFB - Building 647 School Age Program Classroom Addition
This contract that involved design and construction of a 29’4” x 44' CMU addition to the southeast corner of an existing building. The addition will serve as a classroom and support facilities for 24 students.
Demolition includes removal of CMU block at the southwest corner of the existing facility and an existing door between Room 1 and Room 16.
The area around the new the addition was graded to provide positive drainage with new fill being placed as required. Parking was provided meeting required AT/FP stand-off requirements. Xeriscaping was installed to compliment existing landscaping.
The addition had a concrete foundation and structural steel frame with CMU walls and a metal roof, all of which matched the existing structure. Windows like those provided in other classrooms were installed and an exterior door was also included.
Interior walls were framed using metal studs and faced with drywall on one or both sides. Flooring was vinyl composition tile with ceilings being acoustical systems with panels and grids. Doors were fire rated and matched those at other classrooms. New cabinets and countertops were also provided.
A stand-alone HVAC system was supplied for the new classroom and included an exterior pad mounted condensing unit. Duct work was installed above the suspended ceiling. Door louvers were installed to provide make-up air to these areas. Controls were LonWorks Direct Digital Control (DDC) type. Prior to completion of the project, the HVAC system was tested, adjusted and balanced.
Plumbing features were limited to a hand sink in the classroom.
The addition was connected to the existing power at the building after verification of sufficient load capability. New duplex outlets, lighting, exit lighting with emergency back-up and CCTV was installed. Power was also provided for the new HVAC system.
Fire protection was provided for the area and was integrated with the existing system.
Sq Ft: 1,298
Completion Date: 01/08/2009
HAFB - Building 787 Airman & Family Readiness Center
The scope of this project involved demolition of a portion of the existing building and complete renovation of the remainder of the facility. Trades included: exterior CMU, gypsum wallboard systems, ceilings, a variety of flooring types, new doors and windows and upgrades to building systems including HVAC, electrical, plumbing, fire protection and alarm and communications.
Sq Ft: 25,000 +
HAFB - Building 824 Roof Renovation
This contract that involved design and construction activities related to the replacement of an existing roof. Work required demolition of the 31,100 s.f. 5-ply built-up roofing system including gutters, downspouts, metal fascias, metal edge, asbestos roofing and flashing, wood curbs, wood nailers and pitch pockets. The existing HVAC systems were removed and reinstalled upon completion of the construction activities.
The new roof is a 3-ply built-up roofing system with granule-surfaced modified bitumen cap sheet with flashing and expansion joints. Roof insulation was installed over the existing office area providing an R-value of 19. Roof openings were closed with corrugated metal roofing and light weight concrete. Treated wood fascia and curbs with new nailers and anchors, wood cant strips were installed and received caulking and sealants as required to waterproof. New roof walkways and walk pads were installed. Roof paver blocks were set for support of heavy bearing components and for irregular base bearings. New lightweight pipe, conduit and drainage lines were installed.
Sq Ft: 31,100
Completion Date: 04/19/2009
HAFB - Building 868 (F-22) Repair Aircraft Maintenance Unit Offices / Construct HVAC & Fire Protection
This contract that involved design and construction of alterations to Building 868 to accommodate a new tenant, the F-22 Aircraft Maintenance Unit (AMU). The project was accomplished in four phases in order to reduce impact on and relocated existing facility users to various locations at Holloman AFB. Phases included: Phase 1a, Accessories Flight; Phase 1, Accessories Flight and WLT including Bay 4; Phase 2, Bay 3 and Bay 3 support area; Phase 3, Center Sections for AMXS; and, Phase 4, Bays 1 and 2.
The existing 87’3” x 22’ north addition received new interior walls, doors and finishes required to create offices, a conference room and a tool room for the Accessories Flight. The existing dust collection equipment was removed and the room was converted to a store room.
In Bays 1 and 2, BB/WS JV erected work platforms at 128’4” above the finished floor elevation for use by maintenance personnel responsible for servicing four HVAC units providing access to two sides. A steel ladder and safety cage was provided to access the platforms. The platforms had handrails on all sides with attachment points for fall arrest lanyards. Work also included replacement of DX coils in two of the units and the hot water coil in one. Two 80,000 BTUH air-cooled condenser units were replaced.
Work in the Center Section involved renovation of administrative spaces in order to provide offices for 40 to 45 personnel for the Air Force Engineering Technical Services (AFETS), Field Service Representative (FSR), Contractor Engineering Technical Services (CETS) and a private contractor that provides support to AFETS. The existing configuration was used to the extent possible with reconfiguration being limited to enlargement of selected offices. Selective demolition and asbestos abatement was required. Finish work included new flooring, repair and painting of drywall and installation of acoustical ceilings with exposed conduit being relocated above. New ADA compliant fixtures were installed in bathrooms. Additional communication/data drops were installed. Also required were repairs and upgrades to the HVAC system, control, plumbing and drains.
Bay 3 was converted to offices and administrative space for the AMU and included classified and unclassified areas. Demolition included a steel mezzanine and dock boxes and oscillating foam nozzles and other elements of the Aqueous Film Form Foam (AFFF) system for the bay. New offices were designed to control noise and temperature when the hanger door was open and required installation of hard ceilings and Sound Transmission Class (STC) 45 walls and doors, x-09 and cipher locks and a standalone intrusion detection system. A new women’s restroom was created. Building systems included new HVAC systems, a wet-pipe automatic sprinkler and relocation of an Elecompack automated storage system from elsewhere in the building. The large classified vault in Bay 3 was enlarged to provide 500 s.f. of classified storage space.
Modifications to Bay 4 were required to support one F-22 aircraft for Weapons Load Training requiring creation of a classified classroom, diversion of exhaust to the outside and sound insulation and installation of technical power receptacles.
Sq Ft: 45,000 +
Completion Date: 01/08/2009
HAFB - Child Development Center Addition
Additions and Renovations to the Child Development Center at Holloman Air Force Base, NM.
Completion Date: 08/13/2007
HAFB - Commissary Loading Dock Renovation
Renovation to a Loading Dock at Holloman Air Force Base, NM
HAFB - Consolidated Skills Building
Sq Ft: 13,800
Completion Date: 02/22/1997
HAFB - Emergency Repair, Wall Damage, Building 1173
Existing west end of Building 1173 was damaged by the wind due to structural issues. White Sands Construction plans on removing existing west side of building to an elevation of 25’ (existing beam) to include galvanized metal sheeting (approx. 1200 sq. ft.), existing vinyl insulation, c-purlins, and existing 16’ tall x 12’ wide overhead door/motor.
White Sands Construction will either provide plastic to protect interior of building or if operable, will bring down existing overhead door.
White Sands Construction will install three new 8”x8” square columns, anchored into concrete and welded to the existing beam at an elevation of approx. 25’. 6- Rows of new 8” c-channel (welded in place, including new channel at existing beam for sheet attaching) will be installed horizontally between the columns and above the new overhead door. New galvanized 24 gauge sheeting will be installed on the new structural framing along with new R-19 vinyl faced insulation. A new 16’ tall x 12’ wide overhead door and motor will be installed. The new door will be painted coco brown. All electrical accommodations including removal, re-connect, re-route, and new will be taken care of to properly accommodate new structural framing and overhead door.
Completion Date: 02/15/2011
HAFB - FY12 Academic Training Facility (ATF) and the Suppression of Enemy Air Defense (SEAD) Training Facility
This design/build White Sands Construction, Inc. project included the Design and construction of the FY12 Academic Training Facility (ATF) and the Suppression of Enemy Air Defense (SEAD) training facility at Holloman Air Force Base (HAFB) in Alamogordo, New Mexico. One new 1,391 total square meters (15,000 square feet) ATF and one new 831 total square meters (8,942 square feet) SEAD training facility is required to support the bed down of two squadrons of F-16 aircraft. Both facilities are administration, classroom and training oriented. The ATF includes approximately half of its area in a Special Access Program Facility (SAPF) space consisting of classrooms and briefing rooms; the area outside the SAPF space is mostly administrative/office functions. The SEAD facility is a completely SAPF building that includes classrooms, offices, training rooms, study room, and break room. Sitework includes a parking lot to the north that serves both facilities, and a sidewalk system that ties the facilities together. Utilities runs will be accessed primarily from Nighthawk Avenue to the east of the building site. The project scope includes landscaping and ATFP mitigation measures.
The buildings are being constructed of steel frames, steel roof purlins, and type B steel decking. The exterior walls are masonry with batt insulation in metal furring with interior painted drywall. The roofing is standing seam metal over drywall sheathing, with batt insulation below the steel deck. The insulation values were developed to support the development of a design that will meet the requirements for a LEED Silver certification by the USGBC. Interior finishes are primarily comprised of painted drywall partitions, acoustical board ceilings, and carpet tile or stained concrete flooring.
Unique Technical Feature
The Special Access Program Facility (SAPF) requires a Sound Transmission Class (STC) of 50 at the ceiling-roof assembly and at exterior perimeter walls and interior dividing walls. The interior walls are achieving this rating through a special mineral fiber blanket in the metal stud wall cavities. The exterior walls are achieving this rating primarily by the masonry walls. The ceiling-roof system is achieving the 50 STC rating by adding layers of drywall mass above the roof deck and below the steel purlins where no acoustical ceiling system is provided. All joints are sealed with acoustical sealant. SMPC acoustical consultant DL Adams of Denver along with our security consultant with URS collaborated with SMPC to establish this approach to meeting the requirements of this SAPF facility.
Sq Ft: 23942
Completion Date: 02/27/2014
HAFB - GAF Munitions Maintenance Facilities Complex
Construct GAF Munitions Maintenance Complex - Contract # DAC47-99-C-0001
Sq Ft: 2,520
Completion Date: 05/29/2000
HAFB - Heritage Center
Construct a 3,128 square foot Mason and Structural Steel Structure to Holloman's Design Standards.
Sq Ft: 3,128
HAFB - IDIQ Contracts
White Sands Construction had two IDIQ Contracts with Holloman Air Force Base, NM. Most of the projects were Design/Build.
Completion Date: 02/18/2011
HAFB - Main Exchange Mini-Mall/Gas Station
New AAFES Mini-Mall at Holloman Air Force base that contains a Popeyes Chicken, Uniform Store, and Convenience Store. Contract # HQ-00-PZC-026
Sq Ft: 23,558
Completion Date: 03/13/2002
HAFB - Norwest Bank Branch
Sq Ft: 2,185
HAFB - Repair MFH Sewer Lines - Phase 3
Replace all main sewer lines for Holloman Housing - Phase 3 - Contract # F29651-02-C-0007
Completion Date: 08/08/2003
HAFB - Repair Physiological Training - Building 520
Saw-cut and remove a complete 20’ tall partition wall consisting of C.M.U., metal studs, and drywall in order to allow White Sands Construction to remove an existing altitude trainer located in the adjacent room. Remove a small portion of drywall ceiling and roof to access the back side of C.M.U. wall to unbolt the partition from the structure. Install temporary wood and steel partition with plastic to protect and support the room from the environment.
After the removal of the altitude trainer, replace the following:
New Grouted C.M.U Wall to match existing
New metal coping and roofing to seal up against new C.M.U. wall
New Metal Stud Partition
New Drywall on new partition and part of the ceiling – TBT
Paint all new surfaces
Remove/Replace Carpet and Cove Base
Remove/Reinstall electrical in new wall including re-using existing exterior light
Altitude Chamber will have to be jacked up in place and set on many steel pipes. Once on the steel pipes, White Sands will carefully winch the altitude chamber out of the building. Once out of the building it will be set on railroad ties to protect the existing asphalt. (Any concrete damaged (Sidewalks and curb) will be priced out at a later date) Once on the railroad ties, White Sands will lift the chamber to set on a government-furnished trailer. Government to haul-off altitude chamber.
Sq Ft: 1,000
Completion Date: 02/15/2011
HAFB - Replace Kitchen Cabinets - Gemini Housing
Replace Kitchen Cabinets at HAFB Gemini Housing. Contract # F29605-00-D-0002
Completion Date: 01/03/2002
HAFB - SABER Contract
Multiple Design/Build Projects at Holloman Air Force Base, NM. Contract # F29651-01-D-0004
Completion Date: 07/31/2004
Hagerman High School Phase 3 Additions
Multiple Design/Build Projects at Holloman Air Force Base, NM. Contract # F29651-01-D-0004
Completion Date: 07/31/2004