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Fire Stations
Project Info
Fire Stations
La Mesa Volunteer Fire Station
The new volunteer fire station of approximately 8,800 SF involves wood and CMU with stucco exterior and single-ply membrane and standing seam metal roof systems. The fire station will have three drive-through truck bays, approximately 4,670 square feet, and living space, offices, meeting and training area, approximately 4,130 square feet. Site improvements will also be constructed and consist of paved parking area, curb and gutter, sidewalk, and utility service connections.
Sq Ft: 8,800
Completion Date: 02/28/2013
Las Cruces Five Fire Stations Work-out Room Additions and Dorm Renovations
Small workout room additions to 5 firestations for the City of Las Cruces. Construction included 6" metal stud walls with gypsum board and 3-coat stucco exterior. Dorm rooms at each fire station were renovated by dividing large open sleeping areas into smaller individual dorm rooms constructed of metal studs/gypsum board, finishes included VCT, ceramic tile, paint, acoustical ceilings, resilient flooring, plumbing, new shower stalls, fixtures, drains/supply lines. Back-up power generators were integrated into the electrical systems at four of the five fire stations.
Sq Ft: 3,242
Completion Date: 12/17/2007
Ruidoso Fire Department Headquarters
This two story consisted of site development, and construction of a new fire station facility. The project consisted of a two-story building with concrete foundations, concrete slabs on grade, 2nd-story composite floor slabs, stone masonry veneer, light and heavy guage steel framed walls, painted exposed exterior structural steel framing, single-ply membrane roofs, four-pipe fancoil HVAC system with dedicated makeup air unit, exhuast systems, water-repellent treated Western Red Cedar siding, galvanized metal roof and fascia systems, aluminum storefront glazing and window systems, insulated glazing, and overhead coiling bay doors. The interior generally consists of exposed polished concrete floors sealed, carpet in selected areas, ceramic tile floors and base in toilets, athletic flooring in the exercise room, painted gypsum board walls, exposed concrete walls sealed, painted gypsum board ceilings, acoustical suspended ceilings, painted exposed structural steel structure & deck ceilings, solid core maple doors, maple veneer & metal casework, stainless steel kitchen counters, metal hardware & accessories, and window shades. The work also included related HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, and Special Systems. The long structure of the Ruidoso Main Fire Station emphasizes simplicity, and is accented with large openings at functional nodes and smaller openings at opportune locations. All openings take full advantage of views, allow the influx of north light and could be used to define both indoor and outdoor spaces. The Station’s design evolved as an architecture abstractly influenced by it’s setting: local materials, natural surroundings, and cultural/social heritage. As a landmark, the new facility contributes to the village identity, sense of safety, professional commitment, and stability. In December of 2008, this station was honored with an American Institute of Architects Design Award. Fire engines are the essence of any firehouse, and as such dictate the very nature of the structure, from the siting to the massing to the finish materials. The Ruidoso Main Fire Station is accented with a clear and linear floor plan, which provides a crucial unobstructed path to the fire pole and stairs leading to the apparatus bay. Providing a congenial living environment for the firefighters, the space is formed around the concept of allowing as much northern light to filter in to highlight views of the surrounding area. Long and narrow in the style of an historical longhouse, the station is built in a one-to-seven proportion. A mountain setting is reflected in the skillful use of natural elements including wood. The appearance is light and airy while still maintaining its crucial function. Comprising 14, 500 sq ft, the fire station is an excellent value, considering the construction challenges of building it in front of a steep mountain, with 14 ft tall retaining walls shoring up its stability. Located in the rugged Sierra Blanca Mountain range of Lincoln County at the southern end of the Rocky Mountains, the Fire Station’s architecture is abstractly influenced by its setting: local materials, natural surroundings, and cultural/social heritage. The new facility contributes to the village identity through its traditional hip-roofed form, materials, and stature; it offers a sense of safety, professional commitment, and stability. Like its historical predecessor, the Ruidoso Main Fire Station has become analogous to the idea of community. The Village selected a challenging site, shared by the community swimming pool and tennis courts. Relatively narrow and long with a steep mountain range to the south, the site predetermined the station to be long and narrow. Taking its cues from the aptly-named Longhouse, the structure of the Station emphasizes a simplicity of form, accented with large openings at functional nodes and smaller openings at opportune locations to take full advantage of views, allow the influx of north light and define both indoor and outdoor spaces.
Sq Ft: 14,500
Completion Date: 01/04/2008
Ruidoso Fire Station #2 - Renovations - Phase 1
Remodel to the existing fire station #2 for the Village of Ruidoso. Phase 1 consisted of the Living Quarters Interior remodel and reconfiguration only.
Sq Ft: 1706
Completion Date: 10/16/2018
Ruidoso Fire Station #2 - Renovations - Phase 2
Remodel to the existing fire station #2 for the Village of Ruidoso. Phase 2 consists of the renovations and upgrades to the Bays, Storage Area, and the Exterior of the Building
Sq Ft: 1706
Completion Date: 11/12/2019
Ruidoso Fire Station #3 - Additions/Renovations
Remodel and Additions to the existing fire station #3 for the Village of Ruidoso.
Sq Ft: 909
Completion Date: 05/13/2016
Timberon Volunteer Fire Station
Construction of new four bay fire station. Building will be a pre-engineered metal building, slab on grade. Contractor to construct a single story 6,360 square feet pre-engineered building and site improvements. The building will include an equipment bay, open office, storage, offices, and toilets. The interior finishes will be gypsum board walls, vinyl composition tile floors and acoustic panel ceilings. The building services will be ground mounted and ducted to the individual spaces.
Sq Ft: 6,360
Completion Date: 06/29/2022
Carrizozo Fire Station #1 Remodel
Interior remodel of a Fire Station
Sq Ft: 1000
Completion Date: 02/05/2014
Carrizozo Fire Station #2 Remodel
Interior Remodel of Fire Station #2
Sq Ft: 1000
Completion Date: 02/05/2014